First try of Age of Magic

In a series of first tries of new games, it is now turn of one of the most anticipated by me; Saga Age of Magic.

My friend visited Salute in UK and brought us some advance copies of the book, which was nice. I believe it was the first time I have played a game before its official release.

I played with my Feudal Fantasy Freefolk against fanatical empires. We agreed that I could use the nature magic with my great kingdoms even if it is normally not allowed.

The game works great, which was the assumption as it is Saga, which is a great game. The new additions feel pretty balanced. Although Magic felt bit compulsory as it gives quite good bonuses with pretty low price. It is understandable though as it Is the Age of Magic. We played my bipedal tree creatures with an armour of 5/5 by accident, which perhaps made them bit too good. They destroyed half of the opposing army, before got exhausted and were blasted away by a single cannon shot.

Here are some in action shots:

Starting positions.

Cannon looks imposing, but it was to be those fanatics I should worry about.

The warlord with his bodyguard and levies

The Great Kingdoms of the Everglades.

The paladin charged.

My unit of 6 knights got slaughtered by a single unit of fanatics.

The center has been cleared.

Treemen go for the big kill.

Battle around the forest.

The bodyguard got slaughtered and my treemen are waiting for their demise.

I can heartily recommend this game for any fantasy wargaming enthusiast. Better game than Warlords of Erehwon in my books. Though both have their perks.


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