New reinforcements for the Swedish forces

I got my second big batch of infantry done for my 30 years war project. 8 Stands of musketeers. Again the models are from Totentanz. I based the musketeers 6 to a base instead of 8 for the pikemen, as I though they look nicer in bit more skirmishing formation. I put bit more effort to the bases as I filled them with milliput and added some stones made of cork and some twigs as fallen trees. It was well worth it.

Here a full Pike and shotte unit.

And here the new 48 musketeers.

Next in my painting queue are 4 stands of reiters, 5 stands of dragoons with the dismounted models and 3 officers. After that I actually have enough models to play By fire and sword in a Task force size (actually a lot more infantry that I'm ever going to need). I'll try to arrange a game for the first week of December.


  1. Marvellous troops, sir ! A joy to look at and a reminder for me to look at Totentanz - most of my figures are Testudo. Very sensible indeed to base the musketeers farther apart than the pikes: remember that musketeers wore 1. apostles filled with gunpowder and 2. a burning (!) piece of slow match ! So in reality they really kept their distance between them, which has nothing to do with skirmishing ;-). That, by the way, was not done with muskets (far too heavy) but with the arquebus. You can easily separate those from the musketeers, because they often wore helmets and did not carry the forquet which was used to support the heavy musket.


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