Saga tournament

We had a small Saga tournament at the Nopat & Taktiikka club in Helsinki a week ago. There were couple of cancellations during the preceding week and in the end there were 4 players in addition to me. Fun thing that two of the players came from quite far away for the tournament. Much respect for them. Having uneven number of players meant that I didn't get to play, but I had more time to build the models from my fresh Battle of Pelennor Fields boxed set for Middle Earth SBG. And finally I got to play as one of the players from our club gave me the opportunity to stand in for the final round for 2 vs 2 game.

First round was the Clash of Warlords, straight from the book. On one table Tommi's Anglo Danes battled it out with Olli-Pekka's Vikings and on the other Joel's Vikings faced Matti's Scots, while my Irish were farming on the remaining table.

On second round we played a breakthrough scenario, which was a modified Lord of the Rings scenario, where both players tried to conquer the opponent's camp. The deployment was diagonally corner to corner and both players had M x L camp in their corner. The winner was who had most slaughtering points in the other player's camp. Normal slaughtering points were the tiebreaker. I don't think anyone got anything through. With Tommi and Joel drawing the game and Matti winning Olli-Pekka.

Third round was also a modified scenario from another game. The Gift from heavens from Age of Sigmar, where each player has an obejctive, which is found in the beginning of the round 2 from the center of randomly selected third of their side of board and you get points based on the game turn at the end of each turn by controlling them with more slaugthering points than enemy within S. Thsi time Olli-Pekka and Matti got a draw and Joel won the Viking civil war.

Finally we played 2 vs 2 sacred ground with vikings against the "locals". Me and Matti won this, but it didn't have effect for the final results as Matti won in any case. Here are some pics, the warbands were very nice, especially with the nice boards the people at our club have made:

Matti's scots in battleline

Joel's vikings were made of the characterful Foundry models.

My Irish
Tommi's angle dane spearmen are cornered


2 vs 2 action in sacred ground

Irish slingers are set for the forest.

Archers are looking their death in the eyes.

The winter has come.

Scots face some Anglo dane spearmen

Vikings are camping behind the house.

It was a fun tournament, with everyone getting some points. We were very lucky to be sponsored by Gripping Beast with some packs and Odin models and as there were just four players, everyone got something small to take home (actually I should send the Odins by post to their new owners). I also bought some chocolate for the players who had came from other side of Finland to play with us. Cancellations were unfortunate, but we're trying to organize this kind of small tournaments regularly now as there is certainly interest on the game. Next one will be in January, an Age of Crusades tournament held by another member of our club. My Mutattawia will surely be there.

I also have been building this house. The target was to get it ready for the tounrament, but it didn't happen as I was missing some supplies. It was a prototype and I learned a lot while doing it. It's made of balsa, with foamboard for the rock parts, teddy bear fur for the roof and wine bottel foil for the leather draping on the doorway. The idea was to make it suitable for both Saga and Middle Earth gaming and I think I got it right. I'll do couple of smaller houses with it and ordered a really nice cottage and some smaller scatter terrain from Elladan to go with them. In addition I'll do some taller grass from the remaining teddy bear fur I bought for the house as there is a really nice guide by Elladan. My target is to have these ready for a ME SBG tournament at the club in the end of November, where I'm unfortunately not able to attend my self.


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