The Eternal Battle of Life and Death
Hi, had an unfortunate break to the start of my new blog as I was travelling for two weeks. First for work in Northern Finland and then for leisure in Rome and Tuscany. Quite a world's apart experience, and not just for the 30 degrees difference in the temperature. Which also is the theme of this post. I'm one of those (few?) longer time Warhammer players that had lost the interest to the game almost completely and then got it renewed with AoS, as it turned out to be actually quite a good wargame. After playing with my old Lizardmen, I retrofitted my old 40k Daemons to a complete Slaanesh army, which was also perfect reason to paint up some of my all time favourite GW models, back from the Hordes of Chaos release in 6th edition. Espcially Archaon and the knights. This is however not about them, but the fantasy projects that followed the Chaos army. Actually, of all the possibilities, the Chaos army also led me to finally start playing Lord of the Rings SBG, as I got some Har...